For the initial on-boarding and free consultations we will use Google Project IDX.
Sign up for a free Google IDX account. This is a cloud IDE that will allow you to develop in numerous environments right from your browser.
Create an Angular project. It will take up to 5min to initialize, be patient.
Once you have access to the IDE you can push Ctrl+Shift+X to load the Extensions marketplace. We are looking for the CodeTogether Live.
In the bottom left you can now click CodeTogether
Then in the top of the screen click Join
You will have to enable this the first time you do so, and exit and restart. F5 refresh does this.
If your instructor asks you to join his session you can do so.
For Enrolled Students
Google IDX will always be available to you for free, but the CodeTogether Live extension is only usable for 60min. This is why we use it for the student onboarding. Once you are onboarded you will install Microsoft VS Code to your computer. It works with all operating systems.
In VS Code go to the extension marketplace much like how we did before except this time we are looking for the Microsft Live Share. This is a free forever plugin that will allow us to work together so you can share your screen and we can share ours.